Embed Your Video

Video Marketing With No Regrets! 3 High ROI Places To Embed Your Video


Almost any video you create can be reused to improve ROI. Let’s look at three places where you can embed your video to achieve that goal.

Blog Posts & Social Media

The one place every single video you create for public viewing should go is your blog and your social media accounts.

Once you create and publish the video, always create a blog post about the video. Embed your video into that blog post, and then share it via social media, email, and your newsletter, if you have one.

As a follow-up to the blog post, upload your video directly to your social media. The video posted directly on a social platform will get more views than just having the link to it in a text post.

And when you create a blog post, also make a video of it and embed it in your post. That way you get double use from the same content in two different formats.

I use Jetpack's Publicize feature on my WordPress site to publish to social media. There are other plugins such as Blog2Social: Social Media Auto Post & Scheduler and Social Media Auto Publish that allow you to publish to a greater variety of social media platforms.

The only exception to this rule is premium content for members only, in which case you can still create a summary teaser blog post about it.

It’s a great way to share content and get more people to your site to see the range of products you have to offer.

Opt-in Pages

Opt-in pages are a natural place for video. It's a prime opportunity to show off your personality and boost credibility.

People love watching video, so it gives you the chance to quickly explain why they should sign up for your freebie, newsletter, etcetera, and the specifics of how to do so.

This can be more effective than just having print on your opt-in page as it helps to build trust and lessens the fear of signing up, especially if you appear in the video.

Describing what your visitor will get for opting in and giving them a peak at what they'll receive will also encourage them to opt in.

A combination of video and text on your opt-in page will give those more analytical people the data they need to make the decision to give up their email for your free offer.



Sales Pages

VSLs (Video Sales Letters) are the closest thing you'll get to having a live salesperson, however without the associated costs!

Sales pages without videos still do well, but you can't beat the impact of one with a video on it.

Sales pages with video are more likely to elicit a purchase, be shared with others, and have higher conversions overall. So once you’ve created your text sales page, create a video to match and put it at the top of your sales page.

And so many people are using mobile devices today to look at sales pages. So having a video including a demo and what to expect with text below it gives them a good idea of what they’re buying.

Add to that a persuasive call to action and your sales will soar.

Making a habit of embedding video on your blog, opt-in, and sales pages is a good practice to get into. If you add this to your sales & marketing process it will get easier because once you see how your conversions take off, you’ll never want to do without video.

Even if the video consists of just a screen recording with voice-over of what they’re getting, it’s an effective way to get people to respond to your offers.




Click here for Video Marketing With No Regrets Series



Afif Kusuma



Posted in Home Business.