Good Vibes Mindset

3 Steps To Free Yourself From An All-Or-Nothing Mindset


An all-or-nothing mindset is a form of perfectionism. And we all know that it’s impossible to be perfect.

Beating yourself up daily because you’re not perfect quickly leads to avoiding challenges and goals, reaching for the stars because you might fail…

Pick The Brain’s post below shows you how to easily free yourself from this type of thinking in just 3 steps.



3 Steps To Free Yourself From An All-Or-Nothing Mindset


My ‘all’ looked like eating a specific number of calories a day of only foods I had labeled as healthy, working out for a certain amount of time in very specific ways, and making sure not to deviate even 3 calories, 1 mile, or a few bites from my plan.

On the occasional day where I’d check all the boxes, I felt on top of the world.

For every other day that I didn’t, I felt like a total failure.

If a friend baked me a birthday cake and I didn’t know the exact ingredients or calories in my celebratory slice, the day was ruined.

If a work obligation came up and I couldn’t make it to my hot yoga class on time, the world came crumbling down.

Most moments were “day-ruined, world-crumbling-down” moments. The moments that weren’t were full of fear that failure was just around the corner.

Where are you feeling stuck in an all-or-nothing mindset?


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Author: Simi Botic


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