About Marie

Hi, I'm Marie Watkins and Welcome to FreedomLab!

Sometimes you go down several paths in life thinking they're actually separate and distinct.

Have you ever felt that way too? Maybe having different jobs in different fields, different positions or roles in the companies at which you've worked.

That's what I thought, but it seems that the paths have been really running parallel to each other...

You see I've had quite a few different roles in my life so far:About Marie

  • Translator in Government
  • Technical Department Manager
  • Executive Admin
  • Sales Executive at multi-billion dollar global corporations
  • President of 7-figure company
  • Entrepreneur
  • Marketer
  • Business Trainer
  • Parachuting & Skydiving Instructor
  • Leadership Team Member of various business organizations
  • And full-time Caregiver to an elderly parent...

I actually believed that all these roles were quite different. They were in execution, but to varying degrees there were common core factors that all required the same skill and talent set that I happen to have, but I just didn't realize it at the time. 

Sometimes it takes a while to know what you're really good at, but if you're paying attention, sooner or later the realization smacks you in the face and everything just falls into place...

Marie Teaching First Time Jumpers & Skydiving


So this brings me to FreedomLab  which I created based on the key strengths, abilities and interests that I brought to all my previous roles:

  • ResearcherDigging deep and questioning results to find the right answers. 
  • Teacher: Ability to summarize the lesson from learning the material and impart the knowledge in various ways to ensure that the student "gets it". 
  • Student: Constantly learning - tech, software, marketing, online strategies. 
  • Writer: Author of reports, newsletters, articles, whitepapers, presentations, technical manuals. 
  • Analytical & Rational: Experience and judgement to evaluate ideas. 
  • Troubleshooter: Natural problem solving skills and innate ability to figure things out. 
  • Doggedly determined: I don't quit until I find the solution to my problem! 
  • Common sense! If a product, idea, etc. is promoted as the most amazing ever, even by credible individuals, I will walk away if it falls in the "Just Too Good To Be True" category.

I'm pulling from all of the above to save you time, effort and frustration to find the best tools and resources so you can grow your online business and to help you avoid the "Shiny Objects" that distract so many folks along the way!

Wishing You All The Best
In Your Online Venture Adventures,

About Marie




P.S.: One thing I've found is that you need to know yourself well enough first to understand what's right for you and what isn't. If you haven't been to this page yet on FreedomLab, I strongly suggest that you go to Freedom & You now. 

You just might find out some surprising things about yourself!