Partner Category

Partners No More: Facebook Partner Category Removed – What Now?


Partner Category targeting is just another victim of Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica debacle…

I guess that’s what happens when you use third-party demographic data with impunity. It was very good for advertisers since you could precisely target an audience.

But now such practices are under close scrutiny.

So now what? Lucas Elliott of Jon Loomer Digital explains…



Facebook Partner Categories Removed – What Now?

Facebook’s removal of Partner Category targeting options has been a topic for some months now. However, Facebook recently sent out an email to advertisers, warning them that they may have campaigns using these now-defunct targeting options. Here’s the email:

Removal of Partner Categories - Email Sent By Facebook

If you’re left wondering what to do with these changes, read on.


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Author: Lucas Elliott

Posted in From Around The Web and tagged , .