Fearless Video

Video Marketing With No Regrets! Fearless Video


It's time to get fearless with your video creation!

Most people fear making video the same way they’re petrified of public speaking. More often than not though, when you actually "suck it up" and dive in, it's no longer scary. In fact with practice it can become fun!

It's kinda like public speaking, but not.  There's the speaking part of course, but with recorded video you get to freeze your bloopers in time and then remove them. So no need to feel inadequate or embarrassed if you make a mistake... 

Let's talk some more about why you need not fear making video:

Everyone Was A Nervous Newbie

You're not alone. Making video was new and nerve wracking once for every creator, even the best of them.

It's OK to be nervous and a little unsure because this is new to you. But with time it will become second nature if you do it often enough.

Create a Comfortable Environment

A comfortable environment will definitely have a calming effect on you. Set-up in a quiet room with suitable furniture.

Create a space that you can use regularly to make video.

Here's some timeless advice from Lemonly.com on how to set up your space to maximize good results.  Click the image below to view the full infographic.

How To Look Like A RockStar

Practice, Practice, Practice

One among the many advantages of video is that you can practice without anyone other than yourself ever seeing it.

Set up your webcam to record yourself talking to the camera. You can check your lighting, sound, and rehearse different ways to get your message across before you ever publish a single pixel.

Smile & Look At The Camera

When you create a video, you’ll want to understand where to look at the camera.

If you read notes, your eyes are downcast. A teleprompter can help with that. If you're using a built-in webcam, you can use free software on desktop or browser that will display your script on the screen. Here are two that I've found that look interesting: Teleprompter Mirror, and Imaginary Teleprompter

Ideally you'll only have notes on the screen and will elaborate on them as you speak. That sounds much more natural than reading.

You can also use a separate screen for your teleprompter if you're recording with a smartphone. 

On the other hand, you don't want to stare unblinkingly at the camera, that's just creepy...

Imagine you're having a conversation with your viewers. So it’s okay to look down once in a while to read a quote or other info that you don’t want to get wrong.


Write a Script

While you don’t want to read a script - because that just looks and sounds so wooden - you do want to write one.

Having a good outline helps you remember what you want to say.  Remember that practice tip? Your script will come in handy.

Writing down quotes and stats that you don’t want to forget will also help you get through the video more easily.

Don’t Try to be Perfect

Perfectionism is a progress killer. Remember that no one is ever perfect, even on video.

Watch your local news or talk shows and you’ll notice that people make mistakes.  

You’ll notice pauses, ums & ahs, stuttering, grammatical errors, etc. It's only human.

The only person I've ever heard speak in full paragraphs, without pause, and excellent grammar and vocabulary is Conrad Black, the ex-newspaper publisher and author. But so what, that didn't help keep him out of jail...

By now you know the story, "the more you do it, the better you get". 

Be Yourself

Just be who you are. Don’t use language that's unnatural for you.

Don’t try to be someone you’re not - you'll come off as phony. Don’t even dress the way you think you should. Dress how you normally would dress.

Be you. You’re great the way you are.

Editing Is Your Friend

Don't forget, you can edit!

Don’t let mistakes frustrate you, keep recording through the mistakes and cut them out later. And even if you make a minor slip up, it’s okay to keep going as long as the meaning of your video isn't affected.

Here's a tip: When you make a major goof well into your video, stop talking for a few seconds before you continue.  Doing this leaves a definite and visible mark where you can cut in your editing software. You can easily do this using Microsoft's free software Movie Maker.

Don't overthink this.  People will appreciate your videos and will relate to you more when you seem like a real person, flaws and all.


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Elias Sch. from Pixabay



Posted in Special Series Video.