Freedom & You

It's all about you, baby!  Specifically your personality...

Finding freedom in an online business means knowing your strengths, your likes, dislikes and abilities. It also means having the capability to be flexible and a large capacity for learning. 

The Web never sleeps and things are always, and I mean always changing. (But one thing that doesn't change much online is the human element, and that's a good thing!)

I don't mean to scare you, but yes, there's tech involved. However, if you have the resources to delegate, you can always outsource.  More on that later...

Leveraging your assets

For now let's focus on you knowing you, and determining how best to leverage your assets in an online business.

Personality tests do have their merit. I know, you might think it's a bunch of baloney, but they really are revealing. I've done the Myers-Briggs a few times over the years and the results come out the same. So I have to say that's the place I suggest you start.

Once you have your results I also suggest that you discuss them with someone who knows you well like a spouse, good friend or family member. That's likely to bring about a conversation with a few "aha" moments. Trust what they have to say about you.

If you've been around a while, you may have made some career moves that essentially made you feel like a square peg in a round hole. Been there, done that. Thought it would be cool/fun. Not so much... 

Finding your groove

But finding your groove can take a while, especially if you've been "logical and practical" about a career instead of going with your true gut feelings. This is where the personality test comes in.

And even if you're one of those people who's always known exactly what they wanted to do, did it and loved doing it, a test may help you get insight about aspects of yourself to which you may not have given much thought.

Here's a link to a reputable free site:

There are no ads on this site and you don't have to submit your email to see the results.

My personality

In case you were wondering, I border on the Executive (ESTJ) and Entrepreneur personalities (ESTP) - (depends on what day it is ;o).

Here's a description of both:,