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Freelancers – Have You Heard of Quora?

Have you ever heard of Quora? It provides a great opportunity for freelancers to attract new leads without doing any selling!

Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by users. Essentially a forum, a really big forum. 

Similar to Wikipedia, but it’s all Q&A. Call it the thinking person’s Facebook… And like Facebook, some people spend endless hours daily on it.

Therefore, it’s a great place to show your authority on a particular topic because there are about 500 million (!) visits per month. Lotsa people asking lotsa questions.

Here are excerpts from a couple of posts on the Fiverr Blog.  Click the title links to view the full articles on Fiverr.

All the Benefits You’re Losing by Not Being on Quora

Do what successful Quora users have already done.

Replicating what Quora influencers have accomplished is possible, but it takes effort and time. Nonetheless, it’s well worth it.

Take Jason Lemkin’s case study

He wrote the first SaaStr blog post in 2012 and then soon turned to Quora to explore its possibilities.

His strategy was simple and practical: He began responding to questions that were of personal interest. In other words, he answered topics he knew a lot about. His success was slow but steady:

  • 2.5 million views after two years
  • 20 million views after four years
  • 34.5 million views after five years

How to Find the Best Questions and Craft the Perfect Answers on Quora

Stand out from the majority of Quora answers – which are usually poorly worded, unclear or irrelevant – by editing and proofreading your answer. Ensure your answer is concise and authoritative.It’s also important to break up your response into smaller, easily digestible paragraphs.

Tip – Use the usual arsenal of good writing, like:

  • Bullet points
  • Bolding important parts
  • Italicizing key segments
  • Including links that fit naturally within your sentence.

Finally, ensure that the content of your answer is extremely substantive and very helpful. A good Quora answer includes the following:

  • Direct and relevant information for the question asked
  • Actionable knowledge for the question asked
  • Rationale that supports the answer
  • Credibility by including reliable sources, stats, etc.
  • Clarity to avoid misunderstandings.


So the rule still stands – give value through good quality content and you will attract clients!


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