Billboards Search Network

Google Display VS Search Network: When To Use Which For Best Results


So where’s the best place to show your Google ads, on the display or search network?

The Google Search Network is perhaps more familiar to most people.

That’s when you do a keyword search and ads related to that keyword appear in the search results.

On the other hand, the Google Display Network is composed of millions of websites that that have signed up to have Google ads show on their site.

John Lincoln, CEO of Ignite Visibility goes  through the options.



Google Display VS Search Network: When To Use Which For The Best Results

PPC marketing on Google is one of the staples of modern marketing.

But Google isn’t so straightforward, and to advertise effectively, you have to know which network works best for your goals.

In this article, I’ll go over the differences between Google’s Display and Search networks, and when you should use each.

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Author: John Lincoln


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