Have customers sell for you with a case study

Have Clients Sell For You – Content Template #2 The Case Study

Last week the first content template featured was the How-To .This week, I want to talk about how you can get customers to sell for you using a Case Study.

You can use a case study as either free or gated website content, in summary form as a blog post and especially as a lead magnet.

A wonderful tool to showcase how your business helps your clients

In a way it's a more subtle version of an infomercial. It's a combination of relatable story and testimonial that makes you look like a hero, without you blowing your own horn.

Case studies are especially useful since they highlight the pain your client was having before they met you, and walks through the transformation you helped them achieve to get to the desired positive result.

Essentially, your client does the selling for you!

Here are the steps to follow to create a case study

1 - Determine your objective for the case study. Which specific benefit of doing business with do you want to highlight?

  • More leads
  • More customers
  • Teaching proficiency in new skills
  • Scaling their business with automation
  • Etc.

2 - Choose the customer for the study

You want someone who's had good success with your product/service. You also want someone who is fairly familiar with you and your business. So you want someone that you've had a business relationship with for a while.

3 - What format will you use?

Video Interview: You can easily do this on Zoom. When doing an interview you get the impact of the clients' emotions. This can be very effective in convincing potential buyers.

Text: You can elaborate with more detail and proper grammar when you create a text document. A PDF allows the reader to easily search and reference a point that they want to review.

Audio/Podcast: Strip out the audio from your video and you can now post it to your site, create a podcast, or email it to your list.

Hybrid: Video or audio with transcript and your additional notes.

4 - Contact your client.

Invite them to participate in your case study. Let them know that you want to highlight their business and success.

They will benefit from exposure to your audience who may contact them for their services via contact info and links to their business in your case study.

5 - Draft your questions and discuss them with your client.

So things go smoothly, you need to review questions with them in advance and make adjustments as necessary.

6 - Get their approval in writing.

You want to be sure that you have their permission to make this public and that there are no misunderstandings.

7 - Flow

  • Title
  • Introduction: A short paragraph summarizing the whole story, including a few points highlighting specific successes.
  • About your client: Who they are, what they do...
  • Pain points: Describe what they were struggling with before they started using your services. Also any other services or products they may have tried that did not work for them
  • Their goals: What were they hoping to achieve.
  • How you helped them: Describe what you provided and how it solved the problem.
  • End Result: A testimonial on how your product or service specifically benefited your client and helped achieve their goals. Include data to support your contribution.
  • Visuals & Quotes: Choose a few powerful quotes to feature in the sections above, plus relevant graphics to add interest the story.
  • CTA: The point of this case study is to highlight the results you get for clients, so a soft call-to-action would not be out of place here to encourage readers to get in touch with you after learning about the work that you do.

There's your simple step-by-step to creating your own case studies.

It's a great way to earn the trust of prospects with objective proof of the results you provide!


Image by Valentin Vesa at Unsplash


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