Wasting Time On The Web

Slave To The Machine? Stop Wasting Time On The Web!

Wasting time on the Web… As if we didn’t already have enough stuff to deal with, the Internet Age has brought upon us another addiction.

It’s a real issue, and a killer of so much productivity, family time, real relationships, mental and physical health too!

Just add up all the time you spend on social media, cat videos on YouTube, your Pavlovian response to text message, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram notifications. If there’s a way to induce ADD and OCD this has to be it.

So how do you stop wasting time on the Web? How to deal with this epidemic? The solution is simple (I said simple, not easy for those of you who are addicted). 

Control your tech and your screen time, stop letting it control you!

Eric Barker goes into further detail below, even recommending a digital detox for hardcore junkies.





How To Stop Wasting Time On The Internet


We all waste a lot of time on the internet these days. And due to mobile devices, we do it everywhere, not just at home.

(In fact, right now there is enormous pressure on moi to make sure you feel reading this is productive and not just more time-wasting on the internet. Yeesh.)

So how do we address… Oh, dear me, I almost forgot to include the obligatory scary statistics that are essential when talking about how technology is ruining our lives. Alrighty, better check that box…

Holly Shakya of UCSD and Nicholas Christakis of Yale did a study of over 5200 people titled, “Association of Facebook Use With Compromised Well-Being: A Longitudinal Study.”

And, boy, that title is quite the time-saver as far as my job is concerned, lemme tell ya:

Our results show that overall, the use of Facebook was negatively associated with well-being….


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Author: Eric Barker



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