Live Streaming Video

Video Marketing With No Regrets! Live Streaming Or Recorded?


These days you’ve probably seen your share of  live live streaming video, and if not, I'm sure you've heard of it - on Facebook, on YouTube, and other platforms.

Live video is an amazing opportunity to connect with your audience on an immediate and personal level. But there's so much that you can do with recorded video that it's not going away anytime soon. 

Differences Between Live Streaming & Recorded Video

First thing that comes to mind is that there are no "re-dos" with live video. All goofs, flubs, and perhaps technical issues show up right then, live to your audience. Just like broadcast news.

With a recorded video, you can refine it and edit out mistakes, add captions, insert additional content and a soundtrack to jazz it up.

Advantages of Live Video

Engage with People Who Care about You

The people who show up at your live events are real fans of yours who will be more responsive to your offers and CTA.

Some of these people are probably attending because they also like the idea that you're presenting live. These are likely the same folks who'll go to a concert even though a recording has better sound.

Learn to take advantage of this buzz by making "Live Attendees Only" offers. This enhances the exclusivity vibe of the whole event.

Not Everybody's Doing It

When you “go live” you'll stand out. Let's face it, it takes a certain amount of chutzpah to not be intimidated by doing live streaming.

It’s Cheap

And I mean cheap in a good way!

Going live costs not much more than your time. There is no editing, graphics or extra soundtrack.  Nothing to do but get on with the show!

So save your coin for advertising...

Takes Less Time than Recorded Video

During a live event, whatever happens happens, there are no retakes.

This go-with-the-flow methodology, in and of itself, negates the need for editing thereby reducing the amount of time it takes to produce one video.

Engagement Is Spontaneous And In The Moment

This is one of the key perks of live video. Viewers ask questions and engage with you in real time. There's really not much pondering over what should or shouldn't be said or done on your part or the audience's.

This makes the event more interactive, and perhaps fun, than a recorded video when you have viewers participate enthusiastically.


Advantages of Recorded Video


Your bloopers are history - tweak the video to your liking. Add graphics, insert video clips and background music or a voice track.

Advance Planning

You can follow a script or notes because you won’t have questions or interruptions that could take you off track.

Audience Can Watch Anytime

When you make a video and upload it to YouTube, the audience can watch anytime, repeatedly.

Opportunity To Rehearse

You can and should rehearse when you do recorded video. It helps to get the nerves out and makes you look and sound more natural.

By extension, the more you rehearse for recordings, the more comfortable you'll be if you choose to go live.

Scheduling On Your Own Time

When you record video it doesn’t matter if you have a day job, or other responsibilities, you can record at your own pace on your own schedule.

Scenarios Where Live Video Shines

There are some times when a live video does well compared to a recorded video. It doesn’t mean you cannot still do a recorded video, but these are the times you might want to consider going live.

Q & A Sessions

Going live for a Q & A session is a wonderful way to take advantage of the interactive format of live video.


Another way to shine with live video is to conduct an interview.

This is an opportunity to show the less formal side of your guest to your audience.  If you do controversial video, it can also be a chance to make the interviewee squirm...


These are fun to do live because your audience knows that your reactions are genuine, as are your recommendations.


Scenarios Where Recorded Video Shines

Sometimes you really want to do a recording because it can be edited to make it more interesting and help avoid problems.


These are often recorded because there is so much to trim out to tighten it up and make it easy to follow. For example, cooking a Thanksgiving meal would take hours live video. Yawn...


The reason a vlog is best recorded is that frequently spans an entire day or more of an event.

You'd likely lose more viewers than you'd gain if you covered the whole thing live.

Explainer Videos

These, of course, need to be recorded because you want them short & sweet and to cover details of what you’re explaining.

Of course you don't have to do both kinds of videos. You certainly have more than enough work on your plate creating all types of content for your business.

Sure, doing both types mixes it up and gives your audience something new and exciting to enjoy, but there's no reason why you can’t stick to the style that's most comfortable for you.



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Thomas Ulrich from Pixabay



Posted in Home Business.