Content Idea - How-To

Never Be At A Loss For Content Ideas Again! #1 How-To

If you have a blog, social media page, etc., you may at some point wonder what you should write about for a particular post. You may think that it's all been done before and quite frankly are at a loss for what to say!

I want to let you know that you never have to stare at a blank page again - there's a system for that!

Use templates to kickstart your ideas

The first template I want to give you is the How-To. It's pretty straightforward - list the steps and items required to duplicate something you'll teach your audience.

1 - Headline:

XX Steps to (quickly, easily) [Insert What You Are Teaching]

The No-Hassle way to [Insert What You Are Teaching]

or any other descriptive attention-getting headline you might like...

2 - Insert an introductory paragraph that talks about the problem your reader might be having regarding what you're teaching, a solution they need and how you will teach them to do it.

3 - List the resources/items they'll need including any links to those resources. If what you're recommending is a product for which you're an affiliate, include your affiliate link. 

You'll need to disclose "material connection" to the supplier/product.

What You’ll Need

  • Resource 1
  • Resource 2
  • Resource 3
  • Etc.

4 - Outline the expected result, approximately how much time it should take and any caveats and workarounds. For example, if you're teaching how to install and use a WordPress plugin and additional settings are required, but not obvious, point that out to the reader.

5 - Explain how to do it.

Steps to [Insert what you are teaching]

  • [Step 1]: Explain the process
  • [Step 2]: Explain the process
  • [Step 3]: Explain the process
  • [Step 4]: Explain the process
  • Etc


7 - If appropriate, add screenshots, descriptive images, video or product photos that will help the reader better understand what you want to teach them.

8 - Include a brief summary of what you’ve covered and add any additional advice (as required) regarding what they’ve learned, any other useful resources or alternatives, etc.


TIP: Repurpose your blog post as a social media post, video, and even audio file/podcast.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


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