Freedom Business Resources

Find Top-Notch Business Tools Here!

Hi, Marie Watkins here…

The following are tools and resources I use or which already have a great reputation in the online world.

Even though some are free I may earn an affiliate commission for purchases you make on upgrades.  See the full Disclosure of Material Connection page here.

I've cherry-picked what I believe to be top-tier resources from credible experts online. I use and have used some of these products but not all. There's only so much good stuff you can use at one time!

So, I'm sharing this list with you because I feel these products are useful, provide value and are helpful to you the online entrepreneur.

My goal is to save you time and frustration by finding the tools and training for you to build a real business online.

No get-rich-quick stuff here!

As much as, and for as long as people have wished for a silver-bullet, easy peasy, instant way of earning money and making a living - there is no secret. It just takes work, persistence and dedication to make it happen.

Along with the right tools...

My job is to do the legwork for you to find proven legitimate methods and tools for doing business online.

Click the links below to go to the selected Resource page.