Publishing Your Videos

Video Marketing With No Regrets! Publishing Your Video


Publishing your video is just as important as creating it.

Distribution is key to getting viewers and visitors to your site and social media accounts. There are many video platforms to which you can publish and which serve a variety of target audiences, but I'll point out the main ones you need to consider.

Your Blog

Every video you create should go on your blog. DO NOT upload the video to your WordPress site as it will bog down and take forever to load.

DO embed the code for your video into your site from third-party hosting like YouTube. That way the video is using minimal resources from you server.

You can also host your videos on Amazon S3 and share them that way. S3 is extremely inexpensive to use.

Whichever way you choose to do it, each video that you make belongs on your site and should first be shared directly from it.

It's very easy to embed video into your WordPress site.  Here are instructions from WordPress.  And here are instructions on how to do it from YouTube


This is a "gimme". YouTube is simple to use, free, can be monetized for a lot of different types of content, and it’s where most people go first for videos. 

Don't forget either that Google gives YouTube much love.  When you search for videos, YouTube results will come up first 99% of the time.

So be sure to optimize your video by having an accurate thumbnail and description, keywords and links. This applies to most other platforms as well.


Publishing your video directly on Facebook will get you more traction than a link to a YouTube Video. So you need to upload your videos to your Facebook page as well. You can get their best practices and specs here.

You can also do live streaming with Facebook Live.  Here's the link to their FAQ page.


Why not post your videos on Twitter as well.  

Here's how you can share your videos there also.




If you sell to businesses or business people, you can reach them where they live by publishing your video right on LinkedIn.

The platform has the same familiar feel as Facebook since the layout is practically the same.  Here's how you serve video from LinkedIn


Of course if you have lots of visual content Instagram's for you.

You can post directly from a smartphone or tablet. Instagram tells you how to do it on this page.


And don't forget about Pinterest...

Video Pins are great content to promote your brand.  Here are instructions from Pinterest on How To Create Video Pins.


Vimeo never shows any type of ad on your videos. And you can also stream live video on Vimeo.

It has paid plans starting at under $10 for 250 GB video hosting per year.  The free basic plan gives you a lifetime limit of 5 GB.

The Vimeo Help Center has instructions on how to upload video here.


Just for laughs, I checked out Wistia which I thought was a very expensive video hosting service.  Turns out that they have a FREE (!) service and one the cool features is publishing to Social Media. 

So far they have YouTube, Facebook and LinkedIn.  This is a huge time saver if it works...

And don't forget, whichever platform(s) you decide to use, keep the original original on a local hard drive or in your cloud storage account. 

There's no guarantee that once you upload it to a sharing service that it will always be there for you to download again!


Posted in Special Series Video.