Question & Answer Content Template

Teaching Moments – Content Template # 5 The Q&A

This is the last in my series of Content Templates - the Q&A - question & answer format.

The Q&A makes it simple to come up with great content.

You can answer:

  • Something one of your clients has asked you.
  • A question you saw in social media comments.
  • A question you had to which you found the answer.

Of course you'll be answering something that's in your area of expertise, especially in your business.

The secondary objective of creating this type of post or video is to establish trust, authority and credibility with your tribe.

Intro & Setup

Explain how you came across this question and why you think it's important for your audience. I.E. you saw it in a Facebook group and it's a common question for online marketers or sales executives or course creators - whoever your audience is.

The Question

Go online to see how many searches there are for that question. You'll know it's a popular topic if there's a large number of results, and that at least part of your audience has probably asked itself the same thing.

State the question as you found it or were asked.

Add some backstory and also a bit of detail if the question needs clarification.

Your Answer

Spell it out in detail and and graphics if appropriate to further support your answer.

If you know of multiple possible answers, give an overview of the options.

For example, is someone asked "how do I create a Sales Page?"  Your answer could include HTML, WordPress, and available cloud-based services.



Give a short recap of the high points and any additional tips you may have.


Here's your opportunity to leverage the goodwill & authority you're displaying in this article with a call-to-action.

You want your reader to continue the relationship with you as a go-to person, so this is the ideal spot to:

  • Offer a free guide or training
  • Invite them to join your Facebook group so they can ask you questions directly
  • Ask them to signup for your regular newsletter full of tips and insights
  • Or anything else you can think of that's helpful to your tribe

So it's that simple. Now you're equipped with 5 different content creation templates that you can use over & over again for your blog, videos, audios, social media and even ads.

Repurpose your content for maximum reach!

To access the other 4 templates, see the links below.

Buyers Want To Know – Content Template #4 The Product Review 

Practical & Useful – Content Template # 3 Listicles

Have Clients Sell For You – Content Template #2 The Case Study 

Never Be At A Loss For Content Ideas Again! #1 How-To  



Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Posted in Blog Posts, Home Business, New and tagged , , .