Shiny Object Syndrome

The Simple 9-Step Cure For Shiny Object Syndrome

No doubt you've heard of Shiny Object Syndrome.

If you've been an Online Solopreneur for any amount of time, you've probably followed several gurus who sold you the latest and greatest program on how to make money online.

You attended webinars that were so convincing that you bought on the spot, or if you're the cautious kind, you waited until the cart-close day, minutes before the deadline.

And when you hit the Buy button you get this huge dopamine hit like you're floating on Cloud 9. Finally, real hope! This. Is. The. One!

Hmmm, maybe not so much...

So how do you know if you have S.O.S?

Read below, and if you can say "yep, that's me" to at least two items on the list, unfortunately you have Shiny Object Syndrome.

  • Purchased a program and never even started it
  • Purchased a program and quit before completing the training
  • Started implementing and never finished implementing
  • Implemented, got a few sales, then quit when the going got tough
  • Purchased another program and did all/some of the above
  • Bought because of FOMO
  • Think it's too complicated
  • No one will buy
  • Ads are too expensive
  • Bored with the idea, the novelty has worn off
  • Works for other people, not for me
  • There must be an easier way
  • I can't do this
  • Feel ashamed
  • Afraid to say how much you've spent with little to no results
  • This guru is full of it!

And so the cycle repeats and years later it still feels like "Groundhog Day"... But to be fair to you, some online training programs really are garbage. To the practiced eye though, often the sales page will give it away.

We know it's not realistic, but we buy into the hype - that's the issue. There's a "back-of-the-mind" hope of instant results from a magic formula. Then disappointment when those promises of great riches don't materialize...

Now that you've determined that you do have S.O.S., how do you get rid of it?

Full disclosure: Have to raise my hand here and say that I have suffered from, and still have momentary relapses into S.O.S. However, I recognize it and continue to apply the cure...

Here's how to rid yourself of Shiny Object Syndrome

  1. Acknowledge that you have it. 
  2. Determine if you really want to build a business or want to chase "make money online" opportunities as a hobby. Hobbies are great, just make sure you know the difference. 
  3. List times you've bought and dropped the ball by not following through on training & implementation, and catalogue the programs you've purchased. 
  4. If you've decided that you really want a business and WHY, go back to the programs you've bought to see if any of those line up with your objectives. 
  5. Don't hang on to any of them that don't fit just because you spent money on them. Let it go... 
  6. Create a specific written plan for your business. Be clear: Who do you want to work with; what are you selling; how will you reach and attract this ideal audience. 
  7. Determine if you already have the knowledge & resources you need (you probably do). If you don't get help. 
  8. Use a daytimer/journal to plan out your goals every day and schedule money-making activities as well as the "back office" work. 
  9. Implement daily - No one else can do it for you!

You have to be vigilant!

Shiny Object Syndrome is a sneaky son-of-a... Keep the Nine Steps handy and review them regularly.

When you find yourself straying and thinking about "the next best thing" check if you're tired, stressed or working too much.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to step away for a bit. That can be an hour, a day or a week.


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