Spread The Word & Market Your Published Videos

Video Marketing With No Regrets! Spread The Word & Market Your Published Videos


Creating videos is not enough - now you need to market your published videos to get some eyeballs on them!

By the way, this applies to all content you publish.  It’s imperative that you learn to market each piece as if it’s the best you ever created.

It’s not enough to just upload your videos to YouTube or your blog and then call it a day. You need to spread the word several times and in multiple locations.

The following is a good process to get into so that your audience is made aware when you’ve uploaded free or paid content as well as products.

Name The Video Correctly

What you name your video is important because you want it to properly reflect what’s in it based on keywords your audience will use to find that content. Don’t try to be clever or tricky.

Well, maybe only once in a while...

Audiences get tired of clicking through only to find that it's a bait-and-switch.

Fill Out The Description Box

Each platform to which you upload your videos has an area for descriptions, tags, and more. Be sure to fill out those fields every time.

You don’t want to omit anything. Even though your current audience may still find your published videos, you want new people to find you also.

They can’t find you if you don’t help them with the proper SEO, descriptions, and titles. For example, your video file should not be named video123 or anything that doesn't have meaning for the viewer - it should have a fully worded descriptive title.

Link To “Related” Content

Within the description area you can add links to related content you've created.

This can be other videos and blog posts, even social media posts. Keep a spreadsheet of your links and categories so it’s easy to grab the related content.



Publish To Your Blog

Create a post and embed your published videos to your blog. I mention how to do this in the 3 High ROI Places To Embed Your Video post.

Your blog is where you should share all the content you create. Remember, the point of video is to get more links to your site.

Yes, people will find you on YouTube or other platforms, but you want to ensure that you get at least as much traffic to your website as you do to  your YouTube channel.

Therefore, all sharing of your published videos should start with sending people to your blog, not YouTube.

Send A Broadcast Email To Subscribers

Now that you have the video published to your blog, you’ll want to create an email to send to your subscribers.

Letting your subscribers know first about new content you’ve created gives them the priority notice they deserve before you share it widely with everyone else.

Add To Your Autoresponders

If it’s evergreen content, go ahead and add it to any autoresponder series you feel the audience will be interested in.

It's ready-made content, so you might as well re-use it in as many places as you can think.

Share On Social Media

Now that your subscribers have it, and it’s in your autoresponder system, share it with your social media platforms.

If it answers a question, make sure you save a link to it in a file that’s easy to find so you can cut and paste it when someone asks that question.

Recycle Your Evergreen Content Often

Use software like Missinglettr.com to automate randomly sending out your evergreen blog content to your audience. Just sharing each piece once isn’t enough.

Most of your audience won’t even see it the first time you share, so set up a process for frequent sharing.

Promote With Paid Ads

After you’ve done all of the above, you can also promote with paid ads on social media to get more views.

This is a great way to build your list, especially if your videos are promoting a freebie to entice subscribers.

When you have a process to market your published videos, you’re going to build your list faster, gain market awareness faster, and build an audience that is waiting on the edge of their seat for your next release!


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Carlos Muza



Posted in Home Business.